PHP simple math captcha function

Building a Secure PHP Math Captcha: Simple Yet Effective

Securing online forms against automated attacks is paramount. Captchas serve as a frontline defense, distinguishing between human users and malicious bots. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the creation of a simple yet effective PHP math captcha function. By incorporating basic mathematical challenges, we can enhance the security of online forms while maintaining a user-friendly experience.

Understanding the Need for Captchas:

Online forms, especially those involving user registrations or submissions, are susceptible to automated attacks. Bots can flood these forms with spam or perform malicious activities, compromising the integrity of a website. Captchas act as a gatekeeper, requiring users to prove their humanity by solving challenges that are typically easy for humans but challenging for bots.

Designing the PHP Math Captcha Function:

Let’s begin by creating a straightforward PHP function that generates a math captcha challenge. We’ll keep it simple to ensure user accessibility while maintaining effectiveness against automated threats.

function generateMathCaptcha() {
    $num1 = rand(1, 10);
    $num2 = rand(1, 10);
    $operator = ['+', '-', '*'][array_rand(['+', '-', '*'])];

    $question = "$num1 $operator $num2";
    $answer = eval("return $question;");

    return ['question' => $question, 'answer' => $answer];

his function randomly generates two numbers and an arithmetic operator, creating a simple math question. The answer is calculated using the ‘eval’ function. This way, each captcha challenge is unique.

Integrating the Math Captcha into a Form:

To integrate the math captcha into a form, use the generated question and compare the user’s input with the calculated answer. Here’s a basic HTML form with PHP:

<form action="process_form.php" method="post">
    <label for="captcha"> Solve the math question: <?php $captcha = generateMathCaptcha(); echo $captcha['question']; ?> </label>
    <input type="text" id="captcha" name="captcha_answer" required>
    <input type="hidden" name="correct_answer" value="<?php echo $captcha['answer']; ?>">
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>

Validating the Captcha on Form Submission:

In the processing script (e.g., process_form.php), validate the user’s input against the correct answer:

$submittedAnswer = $_POST['captcha_answer'];
$correctAnswer = $_POST['correct_answer'];

if ($submittedAnswer == $correctAnswer) {
    // Captcha validation successful, proceed with form processing
    // ...
} else {
    // Captcha validation failed, display an error message
    echo "Captcha validation failed. Please try again.";

Adding Complexity to the Math Captcha:

To make the captcha even more resilient against automated attacks, consider adding variations and complexity to the generated math challenges. For example, include parentheses or introduce more operators:

function generateAdvancedMathCaptcha() {
    $num1 = rand(1, 10);
    $num2 = rand(1, 10);
    $operator = ['+', '-', '*', '/'][array_rand(['+', '-', '*', '/'])];

    $question = "$num1 $operator $num2";
    $answer = eval("return $question;");

    return ['question' => $question, 'answer' => $answer];

By introducing division and parentheses, the captcha becomes more challenging for automated scripts to interpret correctly.

Implementing Time Limitations:

To prevent attackers from exploiting captchas by taking too much time to solve them, consider adding a time limit to the validation process:


$submittedAnswer = $_POST['captcha_answer'];
$correctAnswer = $_POST['correct_answer'];
$timestamp = $_POST['timestamp'];

$expirationTime = 60; // Set the expiration time in seconds

if (time() - $timestamp < $expirationTime && $submittedAnswer == $correctAnswer) {
    // Captcha validation successful and within the time limit, proceed with form processing
    // ...
} else {
    // Captcha validation failed or exceeded the time limit, display an error message
    echo "Captcha validation failed or time limit exceeded. Please try again.";

This addition ensures that the captcha is solved within a specified time frame, preventing attackers from employing extensive processing time.

User Feedback and Accessibility:

To enhance user experience, provide clear feedback on whether the captcha was solved correctly or not. Additionally, consider incorporating audio alternatives or visually impaired users. Accessibility is crucial for creating an inclusive web environment.


Incorporating a PHP math captcha into your web forms is a practical and effective strategy to enhance security. By adding complexity, time limitations, and considering user feedback and accessibility, you can further fortify your defenses against automated threats. Strike a balance between security and usability to create a seamless and secure experience for genuine users while deterring malicious bot activities on your website.

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